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应用经济学2021版人才培养方案(留学生)Applied economics talent training program 2022(International student edition)

作者:37000cm威尼斯   编辑:37000cm威尼斯   审核人:37000cm威尼斯   来源:37000cm威尼斯   发布日期:2024-03-26   浏览次数:


Ⅰ. Introduction of the discipline

   37000cm威尼斯应用经济学一级学科硕士点获批于 2015 年,设在37000cm威尼斯,授予经济学硕士学位。本硕士点设有区域经济发展理论与实践、产业经济理论与规制、国际贸易理论与规则、金融理论创新与政策四个研究方向,是37000cm威尼斯正在建设的重点学科。本学科拥有一支结构合理、学历层次高的学术梯队。本学科注重理论研究与服务社会有机结合,适应国家海洋战略和“一路一带”战略需求,将海洋经济和区域经济作为本学科的重点研究领域。

The discipline of Applied Economics was granted master’s degree authorization in 2015. The master's program has four research directions: Regional economic development, Industrial economics, International Trade, Financial innovation and policy, to recruit and train full-time postgraduate students. As a key discipline of Guangdong Ocean University, the discipline of Applied Economics has an academic echelon with reasonable structure and high educational level.By focusing on the needs of National Marine Strategy and "Belt and Road Initiatives" , this discipline takes marine economy and regional economy as the key research areas and has formed the disciplinary characteristics and advantages of marine economy and regional development to serve the national marine undertakings and local economic and social development.


Ⅱ. Main research direction


1.Theory and practice of regional economic development.This direction engages in the theoriesand policies of regional economic development, especially the economic development of theGuangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, Beibu Gulf and Guangdong Coastal Economic Belt, which has formed three stable research areas: regional economic development and planning,urban-rural economic integration, and sustainable development of regional Marine economy.


2.Theory and regulation of industrial economy. This direction engages in the theory and policy ofindustrial economy development, especially in the Marine industry system construction, industrial structure optimization and upgrading, the high quality development of strategic emerging industries and other industries, and has formed three stable research areas : the theory and practice of Marine industry , industrial development and policy, industrial organization and structure.


3.Theory and rules of international trade. This direction engages in theoretical and practical problems in agricultural seafood trade, especially the agricultural seafood trade policy, trade barriers early warning mechanism, trade dispute settlement mechanism, fishery international trade,"Belt and Road" construction, Sino-asean trade and related theory and practice research, which has formed three stable research areas, namely, the international trade theory and policy, international investment and multinational companies, and agricultural seafood international trade.


4. Theory and policy of financial innovation. This direction engages in the relationship between financial development and economic growth, financial policy theory, investment theory, especially the Marine financial theory and practice problem, namely the Marine fishery finance, Marine insurance, port industrial investment and financing. It has formed three stable research areas such as the financial theory and policy, financial development and economic growth, and Marine finance.


Ⅲ. Training Objective


We cultivate senior professionals who are friendly to the people's Republic of China and

develop morally, intellectually and physically.Specific requirements are as follows:


1. Friendly to the People’s Republic of China; having excellent morality and abiding by

disciplines and laws; having rigorous academic attitude and innovative spirit;developing good personalities such as kindness,honest and trustworthy, with good academic quality and professional dedication.


2.To cultivate high-level compound economics talents with all-round development, solid theory foundation, modern economic research concept and methods. The students should understand the progress and trend of the discipline, master the solid economic theory foundation and system of applied economics expertise, master modern economics research methods and economic analysis tools, has the ability to independent analysis and solve the problem of theory and practice, and can in the field of economy especially in the field of Marine economy and regional economy engaged in management, teaching and scientific research work.


3. Have a healthy physique and good psychological quality.


Ⅳ. Cultivating mode

1、 实行导师负责制与导师组集体辅导相结合的方式。实行学生导师双选制度和兼职导师制度,导师为研究生指导的第一责任人,课题组及其他有关教师进行集体指导。

1. Combination mode of supervisor and collective guidance. Double selection ofstudent-supervisor and part-time supervisor system shall be implemented. To cultivate postgraduate students, the supervisor should play a leading role. At the same time, collective guidance of the research team and other relevant teachers should be accounted for


2. Take the approach of equally stressing on both courses study and the degree thesis research. Not only the postgraduate should master basic theory and specialized knowledge systematically, but also he should grasp the basic methods and skills for scientific research which enables him to be engaged in scientific research.


3.Enhance exchanges and cooperation with government economic management departments, enterprises and business units, and other social organizations, and attract professionals with rich practical experience to participate in the work of various training links.


Ⅴ. Basic educational system and duration of study


The duration of the degree is 3 years, The maximum length of study is no more than 5 years

(including suspension). The degree requires a full-time study in the university.


Ⅵ. Credit requirements and course setup


Students should complete not less than 34 credits, of which 18 credits are of degree course, 12 credits of elective course, and 4 credits of compulsory courses. Coursework should be completed in semester 1, 2, and 3. For each courses, grades more than 60 points (including 60 points) are considered to pass the examination and obtain corresponding credits. The curriculum can be seen in the attached table.


Ⅶ. Training requirements


Graduate students should complete the course study and the following training links during the semester.


1.Develop individual training plan


New students should make a preliminary personal training plan (mainly curriculum learning and practice plan) within 3 weeks after admission under the guidance of the supervisor, and gradually improve it in the following 3 months. The confirmed training plan shall be submitted to the college for record after being signed and confirmed by the supervisor.


2. Education in scientific ethics and academic norms


The freshmen should receive the education of academic norms, academic ethics and academic integrity after entering the school. They must attend the special education meeting organized by the University. The report meeting should be signed in and checked in, and full attendance is required. In order to study the guidelines for academic norms of Humanities and

Social Sciences in Colleges and universities (HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES), it is required to pass the knowledge test of academic norms organized by the University.


3. Literature Reading and Research Proposal

  研究生须完成培养计划规定的课程学习并经考核合格后方可进行学位论文开题。研究生入学后在导师的指导下确定研究方向,通过查阅文献、收集资料和调查研究确定研究课题。通过文献阅读,至少撰写研究课题相关读书报告 1 篇或文献综述 1 篇。进入学位论文工作前进行开题和方案论证,说明选题的目的、意义、国内外目前研究现状、完成课题的条件和可行性、课题实施方案、研究的创新点、预期成果、进度安排等,在学院内公开报告,要求第3学期完成。具体要求参照《37000cm威尼斯研究生学位论文开题报告规定》。

Postgraduates must complete the course study specified in the training plan and pass the

assessment before they can start the dissertation.

After enrollment, graduate determines the research direction under the guidance of supervisor. The research topic is determined through consulting literature, collecting materials and investigating. Through literature reading, at least one reading report or one literature review related to the research topic should be completed and submitted. The research proposal is publicly reported in the college in the 3th semester.


4. Mid-term assessment


At the end of the third semester or at the beginning of the fourth semester, the mid-term

assessment of postgraduates will be carried out, which is mainly to comprehensively examine and evaluate the political thinking, learning, and scientific research ability of students. The specific requirements shall refer to theMid-term Assessment Method of Postgraduates of Guangdong Ocean University.


5.Academic activities (compulsory 2 credits)


During the postgraduate study, student should attend some academic activities, including

academic lectures, academic reports, and academic seminars. Under the guidance of tutor,

postgraduate students should take an active part in scientific research, academic exchanges, and actively participate in scientific research conducted by the mentor. Graduate students are required to participate in no less than 8 academic discussions, no less than 5 academic reports or lectures, no less than 10 intensive readings of professional foreign literature, and at least one public academic report within the discipline or school. The completion time is from semester 1 to 5.


Graduate students should record their academic activities and submit a summary report of no less than 3000 words at the end of the fifth semester. The supervisor (or steering group) and the college should review the academic activities report and submit it to the college for archiving. Qualified students should get 2 credits.


6. Practical activity (compulsory 2 credits)


Practical activities include social practice, teaching practice, professional practice, enterprise practical training, innovative practice and other activities carried out in combination with research. It is generally required that graduate students should participate in practical activities for at least 2 weeks during their study period. They should complete the activities in the first to fifthsemester and be assessed by their tutors and the college at the end of the fifth semester. Those who pass acquire 2 credits.


Ⅷ. Requirements of thesis


The actual working time of the degree (graduation) thesis research (from the disposal report to the application thesis defense) is generally not less than 1.5 years. Thesis writing must be completed independently by graduate students under the guidance of tutor. The paper should be complete in structure, rigorous in logic, clear in organization, standardized in language, accurate in data, prominent in highlights, properly cited, and ensure originality. International students' degree dissertation can be written and defended in Chinese, and the abstract of the dissertation must be written in Chinese and English. (For specific requirements, please refer to "Guangdong Ocean University Graduate Dissertation Writing Standard) The system of original examination, expert evaluation and public defense is implemented in dissertation. The time for dissertation review and defense is generally arranged in the sixth semester, and the specific requirements are implemented in accordance with the relevant provisions ofthe working rules for conferring doctoral and master's degrees of Guangdong Ocean University.


IX. Graduation and conferment


Graduate students who fulfill the credit requirements within the prescribed length of schooling, complete all the training and are evaluated as qualified, reach level5 of the International Chinese Language Proficiency Standard, passed HSK5, complete the dissertation thesis, can apply for degree through a dissertation defense. Students who pass the dissertation defense are allowed to graduate and are issued a degree. Those who conform to the degree-awarding conditions, according to theGuangdong Ocean University Doctor & Master's Degree Award Work Conditions, are awarded a master's degree.

Please refer to the attached pdf file for details